audience participation
- 观众参与

by making this audience participation . All right .
He was soon encouraging audience participation and several women came up on stage .
Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation .
Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop culture .
I need a little audience participation ;
A show with lots of audience participation .
Its basic making idea emphasizes audience participation , civilian speech and multiple interactions .
Few Chinese share the assumption of most American trainers and teachers that audience participation has intrinsic value .
It took good humor , plenty of gestures , descriptive words and an exhortation for audience participation .
The whol eidea behind the show is that it 's meant to encourage audience participation .
This emphasis on audience participation , and participation by the audience to determine the effect of advertising of thead is the interactive advertising .
Television 's material and technical means in audience participation is better than newspapers and radio , and the television is recently more positive in promoting audience participatory .
Chapter IV states the operational planning of Life Service TV programs , including the broadcast time , broadcast time bands , public propaganda , audience participation and the planning of new media using .
You can also check out their diversity and their musical creativity with the intense and highly melodic vocal harmonies , the audience participation in live performances and their multi-layered arrangements .
Internet video advertising media external ecological relationship marketing includes : attracting brand from brand , integrating media platforms and advertising information , and carrying out virtual reality marketing in the basis of the incentive of advertising audience participation .
The artist as the main body , to interpret the images as the leading experience in different ways , the theatre space art focus on audience participation and experience , the organic part and objective work and existing space composed of art .
Post-modern text theory focuses on the intertextuality of texts and audience 's active participation .
The COE chooses a mix of topics of both business and IT community interest to maximize audience interest , participation , and collaboration .
This multi-channel and openness also led the audience choose autonomy and participation is higher than ever .
The characteristic of TV medium is one-way and deferent , audience hard very good participation is interactive .
Counseling class programs broadcast wide audience , the audience participation in a higher degree of trust in the program , this paper to explore the meaning and value of its existence .